Thursday, April 21, 2011

Challenge, Drama, and Relaxation

Happy April 21th!

Last class period we had the second half of the group presentations.

Group One: Challenge!
Getting out of our comfort zone?... well we certainly did! The first "ice breaker/name game" was to go up to another person introduce oneself and then go as close as possible without touching to the other persons nose: nose to nose. HAHA! Then we played the partner game of Birdie in a Cradle: running to partner and jumping into arms. After these ice breakers, we were separated into four different groups and given a hullahoop. Our goal was to move the hullahoop all the way around the circle while holding hands and not letting go. My group went pretty fast! Then we were asked to do the same thing but with our eyes closed. We were then grouped together with another group and went through the same process. Finally all groups came together, but the leaders went around and gave random people different jobs or disabilities such encouragement of the group or only being able to stand on one leg. This was a fun activity!

The next activity was one that I had never done before. We were once again separated into smaller groups and each person was given a toothpick. Then we were asked to stand on one side of the room while a soda bottle was placed on the other end. As relay, we had to individually run across the room to the bottle and try to drop our toothpick in without bending our bodies and just standing over the top of the bottle. Once one person got his or her toothpick in, he or she would run back and tag the next person to go!
After that, one person from each group was chosen to represent their group and try to get two toothpicks into the bottle before all the other groups.

The last challenge activity was an obstacle course!! AND with a partner one person was blindfolded. The course was pretty long and each partner had to go through the entire course while blindfolded. There were steps to climb, blocks to walk over, bars to walk across, and bars to duck under.

The partners who were able to move the fastest through the course were given a little prize of a candy ring.
  • These challenges  have been used for many populations and are effective for almost any group of people as long as adaptions and modifications are made. Any group of people who have a goal of team work, communication, problem solving together, or who just need to get out of their comfort zones will benefit from Challenge activities!

Group Two: DRAMA
Everyone (well most people) have seen the Disney movie The Little Mermaid. Ariel's stash of human "artifacts" is fun, but the best part is the different names and uses given to each everyday utensil. For the first activity, each group was given an object that is well known to all what the purpose is, but we pretended to have found the object from some ancient culture and design a use for the object that the people of that time would had have for it. This was great to see people's creativity. We were also asked to perform the information in a commercial design.

Its a dinglehopper!
  • For this activity, we talked about when using it for children to maybe get items that the kids wouldn't actually know what it was. This way the use wouldn't be able to stifle their little imaginations.
 The last activity that the group had time for was a view into wheelchair dancing. I was very excited about this, and my group/ partner tried to swing dance together! :} It was really fun!!
  • This dancing opportunity gave the class a real view into the lives and movements of a person who moves around in a wheelchair. It was good to understand the barriers of movement when navigating a room full of chairs and people.
Group Three: relaxation

In one of my recent blogs, I talked about relaxation and the different modes of relaxing like laughter yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation. Group three took the class through progressive relaxation, breathing exercises, and guided imagery. The progressive relaxation was a great way to begin relaxing and would work well for people who difficulty paying attention or staying focused. We then moved onto a breathing exercise called the 4-4-4-4. I personally didn't like this exercise as well as other breathing exercises that I have done, but it worked by breathing in for four counts, holding for four counts, breathing out for four counts, and then holding again for another four counts. After this the group lead us into guided imagery through the C.A.R.E. channel: (
Although the sound was little too loud, most people were able to relax into a deep state of almost sleep. I enjoyed creating the pictures in my mind instead of looking at the screen, but the pictures were very beautiful.
  • Relaxation training and activities are a great modality for every population!! No matter who you are or where you are in life or status, everyone needs to relax little sometimes.

All groups did a wonderful job leading the class and helping us see the quality uses of each category presented.
over and out  <3

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